Google Memorial Day if you would like to learn this day's history. There's plenty of information on that. But the meaning is much easier to convey: A day of remembrance for the men and women who have sacrificed their lives protecting our freedom and way of life. Can any of us who have not served in our armed forces understand this sacrifice? A sacrifice born of national pride and the belief that we may need to protect ourselves through force if necessary? I don't think we truly can. Remember that apart from times of conscription, our armed forces is a completely VOLUNTARY force. How incredible is that? Very, by my way of thinking. I think it is because of this that I am even prouder of, and have greater respect for the men and women who choose the warrior path. Every member of the armed forces, from the cook in the mess hall, the driver in the convoy, the aide running messages, the mechanic tuning a jet engine to the pilots, tank commanders, and grunts kicking in doors and clearing buildings deserve our respect and admiration. Each plays a VITAL role in keeping us safe and keeping their comrades alive.
And those who have paid the ultimate price, the loss of their lives, deserve to be remembered. To be memorialized is to never be forgotten. And we should never forget.
To all those men and women who fought bravely, THANK YOU. I WILL NEVER FORGET YOUR SACRIFICE.